Microsoft and Nuance
Title: Senior Conversation Experience Designer
Job Description from Nuance Careers Website:
“As a Voice User Interface Designer, you will be designing the caller interaction for speech-enabled applications.
You will work on a multidisciplinary team of colleagues and domain experts to discover user requirements, and to match those needs against customer goals.
Among other activities, you will validate functionality choices; design intuitive and adaptive call flows; write natural, conversational, and personalized dialogs; anticipate user responses; define grammars; and direct voice talents in the recording studio.
You'll perform Usability Testing with consumers to further refine functionality and design choices.
As a Voice UI Designer, you will need to learn about caller populations and work effectively with customers on each engagement, while simultaneously working toward the customer's financial goals and remaining the authority on best practices in user-centered design.
Your successes will be measured by a combination of business targets you reach or surpass; your relationships with customers, partners, and the team; and the positive impression your designs leave in the minds of callers.”
In 2021, Microsoft acquired Nuance for almost $20 billion.
“85% of Fortune 100 partner with Nuance”
“Nuance created the voice recognition space more than 20 years ago and has been building deep domain expertise across healthcare, financial services, telecommunications, retail, and government ever since. Our AI powered solutions continuously evolve to foster success in your work, advance the effectiveness of your organization, and further your positive impact on the world.”
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